“We can’t do it, Shawn. We are going to have to tell them we just cannot pay for the rest of it.” I said.
We were sitting in the Philadelphia airport waiting at the gate for our flight to be ready to board. We were on our way for the first time to visit a couple in Georgia that Shawn had met at a GAF roofers conference earlier that year. This man, Mark, had recognized in my husband a skill that he wanted to teach his employees. So, Mark paid for our flights to go to his home in Georgia and we were excited about it.
“We cannot back out. We told them that we would pay for their trip. God will work it out somehow.” Shawn replied.
“Okay.” I said.
My response, however, was rooted more out of obedience to my husband than trust in God. Fear was blinding my faith. Shawn’s words, at the time, seemed like thin ice; one crack and we would fall. We had promised our good friends that we would gift them a honeymoon trip. God had moved mightily through them in our own lives and we had it in our heart to bless them with this. But something happened. The money that we thought we would have was taken by an emergency trip to the hospital for our daughter. We had a majority of the trip already paid, but we did not know how we would pay for the remaining amount.
(With hindsight, I can see how fear, like a knife, cut the love for my friends short and caused me want to fend for myself and my family first. It, also, severed my trust in the Lord)
The trip was amazing. Mark and his wife showed us what it was like to live in abundance and treated us like royalty. During the hours that Shawn was not teaching Mark's employees, they POURED into us Godly wisdom and love. They took us under their arms and treated us like a son and daughter. I was amazed at this type of love. Shawn and I had the opportunity to catch a glimpse into the life that we desired for our family, and it was like gasoline on a small fire.
In the evenings, after they went to bed, Shawn and I would dream together and talk about our goal of getting out of debt. The Lord had placed it in our heart to be financially free but were not fully ready to sacrifice our carnal desires to achieve this dream.
Fast forward a few days, Mark had dropped us off at the airport. On our way out of the car door, he handed us a book. It was the book he had written because of his passion to see others financially free. We were sad to leave, but now we were back in the airport at Georgia waiting at the desk to check-in.
“Karrie! Look!” Shawn said as he tapped my shoulder rapidly. Turning, I saw his eyes looking down. Matching his gaze, I saw something that made me want to crumble to my knees.
“Oh, my God! My God! He is so good!” I exclaimed unashamed of my praise amid those around me.
Inside the book, laying on the first page, was a note written on the page with a check. (But that is not all) Not only was it a check, it was a check in the exact amount of money that Shawn and I needed to pay for the rest of our friends’ trip.
This trip changed the trajectory of our life. It not only inspired us to sacrifice to achieve financial freedom, but it also showed us the faithfulness of God. My husband believed and this gave God the opportunity to show himself faithful in our financial needs.
Believe in me and receive what you need. Decide to trust in me and you will see my promises come to pass. Do you not know that I have it all worked out already? Seek me and I will show you my plans to lead you into the land marked out for you to take. There is blessing and favor available for you when you trust in me, Your Good Father.